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Information and reviews for A Year and Six Seconds: A Love Story
Released date: August 2, 2011
Publisher: Hyperion
Audio C.D. is available
Paperback not yet available



More magazine July/August 2011

Swept Away: More's Summer reading spectacular!

Moving back in with Mom and Dad

Undoubtedly there are worse things in life than having to set up post-divorce camp in your parents' apartment, as Gillies discovers in this engaging memoir, a follow-up to 2009's Happens Every Day. Her observations about single motherhood are sharper now, and she charms while describing her precarious perch on the higher rungs of the Manhattan social ladder (with only $524 in the bank and borrowed shoes for a first date). When love comes her way, Gillies is shrewd enough not to drift into fantasyland: She knows that she's holding her golden new life together with a mysterious glue made from love, persistence and plain old good luck. *Elaina Richardson


USA Today August 18, 2011

*** (out of four)

This new memoir from the actress best known for playing the wife of Det. Elliot Stabler on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit continues the tale of her broken marriage and its aftermath. Isabel Gillies began her story in 2009 with Happens Every Day. AYear and Six Seconds is about starting over. She takes a seemingly worn-out subject — a wife dumped by her husband — and makes it feel new again. Her sincerity and honesty are gateways to revelations about how one woman and her two young children march forward toward a happy life. Readers will take away a key lesson: Do your best for yourself and your family every day. Gillies bares her soul. The payoff: readers will cheer when she meets a sweet new man. -Carol Memmott

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